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An important part of a healthy daily routine is mindful movement


Mindful movement

Mindful movement includes various types of exercise where we are present and aware of the sensations and movements of our bodies. Regular exercise is essential for physical health and psychological well-being.

Three types of activity for a complete exercise regimen include:

Cardiovascular & aerobic activity

detoxifies the body, strengthens the heart, boosts mood, and increases stamina

Strength training

builds muscle mass and protects bone health

Flexibility training

beneficial for joint mobility, calming the nervous system, and integrating the mind/body system

We all have unique mind and body types, thus every person can benefit from different types and levels of exercise.

Different types of exercise can help to balance your mind and body depending on where you are out of balance. Understanding where you need to find balance can help you choose from light, medium and more intense activities.

Light stretching, cardio and strength training such as:
  • Tai chi
  • Yoga
  • Walking
  • Short hikes
  • Light bicycling
Medium stretching, cardio and strength training activities, such as:
  • Brisk walking/jogging
  • Swimming
  • Biking
  • Snowboarding or skiing
  • Outdoor activities
More active stretching, cardio and strength training, such as:
  • Vigorous & longer workouts 
  • Running
  • Cardio
  • Dance
  • Rowing
  • Active yoga
  • Weight training

Learn more about where you are out of balance with a free health assessment

Connecting with Nature

Movement outdoors is a great way to connect with your mind and body. There is a growing body of evidence that indicates spending time in nature contributes to better physiological health and overall well-being. A specific study revealed a connection between frequent engagement in leisure activities in natural environments and a decreased risk of mental health issues. Recent research has also shown that engaging in physical activity in nature can positively impact well-being, leading to reduced anxiety.

Join us on an outdoor wellbeing adventure. See upcoming events.